Our Hearing Aids
We are determined to provide you with the best amplification to suit your needs, hearing loss, and budget, whilst ensuring you get the best quality of life improvement over the life of the aids. We precisely evaluate your hearing and your hearing aids in our sound booth and use Real Ear measurements to fine-tune your hearing aids to provide the best aided benefit. We have extensive experience working with patients of all ages and needs, and are affiliated with WSIB, ODSP, VAC, NHIB, Discretionary Benefits, and many private insurance plans. Whether you want to be able to hear the voices of your family and friends, be able to turn the television down, converse in louder environments, enjoy your favourite music, or decrease your annoying tinnitus, we will find the best amplification solutions to suit your lifestyle.
Full Service Hearing Aid Package:
We carry the full range of hearing aids from all major manufacturers, including all the latest in digital technology and rechargeability. All of our hearing aid packages include:
- Diagnostic hearing assessment
- 90-day risk-free trial of hearing aids
- Complimentary batteries during the hearing aid trial
- Fine-tuning” visits within the first month of purchase
- Re-evaluation of hearing and hearing aid use (recommended yearly)
- Clean–and-check” visits for the life of the hearing aid (recommended every 3 months)
- Service and adjustments for the life of the hearing aid. Please note that out-of-warranty problems we cannot repair in-office are subject to a manufacturer repair charge
Hearing Aid Styles:
The following is a brief introduction to current hearing aid styles and links to our hearing aid manufacturer websites for more information.
1. Custom Fit Styles (require ear impression as these aids fit into the ear canal)
CIC – Completely In the Canal
Suitable for Mild to Moderately-Severe hearing loss
Advantages: Virtually invisible, some wireless models available
Disadvantages: 3-5 day battery, no directional microphones, unsuitable for dexterity problems
Mini Canal
Suitable for Mild to Moderately-Severe hearing loss
Advantages: Small, discreet, wireless, directional microphones
Disadvantages: Small battery (3-5 day), unsuitable for patients with reduced dexterity
Suitable for Mild to Severe hearing loss
Advantages: More powerful than CIC and Mini Canal, longer battery life (5-7 days), wireless, directional microphones, available in rechargeable models
Disadvantages: not completely invisible, unsuitable for patients with reduced dexterity
Full Shell
Suitable for Moderate to Severe hearing loss
Advantages: All functionality of above styles, larger battery (10-14 days), better for patients with reduced dexterity, some rechargeable models
Disadvantages: Less discreet
2. Open-Fit RIC (receiver-in-canal)
By far the most popular hearing aid style, RIC hearing aids sit behind the ear with a wire leading to a receiver placed in the ear canal. As such, they often do not require an ear mould and thus allow the ear canal to feel more open and less plugged. The hearing aid has more room to offer directionality and program buttons and most manufacturers offer rechargeable models. They are quite discrete, hidden behind the ear, and patients often remark that they forget they're wearing them!
Suitable for Mild to Moderately-Severe hearing loss Best suited for High-frequency Hearing Losses, such as age-related or noise-induced
Advantages: Discreet, most comfortable, longer battery (5-7 days), wireless, directional microphones, rechargeable models available
Disadvantages: Not best suited for Severe hearing loss
3. Behind the Ear (BTE)
This is the traditional BTE sitting behind the ear with tubing to a custom ear mould. BTE aids combine the technologies of the Custom Fit and Open-Fit styles but provide more power.
Suitable for Severe to Profound hearing loss
Advantages: Larger batteries (10-18 days), excellent for patients with reduced dexterity, wireless, directional microphones, some rechargeable models available
Disadvantages: Less discrete, ears can feel more plugged